
Last Updated : 26 June 11

Articles > Resources
Before getting a pet...

There are many factors to consider before adoptiong or buying a pet. Here is a quick check list you can refer to before committing to becoming a pet owner.

  1. First and foremost, ensure that you have the time to look after the pet.

    Pets need care and concern, meaning time on your part. Ensure that you have enough time to cater for the pet that you are getting as different pets require different level of committment.

  2. Ensure that you have the resources to maintain your pet.

    Some pets require more space and resources. 

  3. Ensure that you have sufficient knowledge to care for the pet that you are getting.

    Caring for a pet requires you to have the know-how. Read up or learn more from existing pet owners.

Aside from buying a pet, you can also adopt one. The SPCA took in 7,597 animals in 2010 alone, included unwanted pets.
You can contact the animal welfare organizations to find out more about their adoption procedures :

Here are some articles and readings to browse through :

Recommended Readings before getting a pet

Guidelines and factors to consider before getting a pet by AVA

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